29 November 2016

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Top 8 ecommerce fails

With eCommerce an ever-expanding industry, it’s no wonder why so many new businesses are popping up trying to set up shop, but the issue with this is that so many are venturing into an area without experience or knowledge on how to avoid common problems. We’ve compiled a list of the top 8 eCommerce fails, and how you can avoid making these mistakes and head straight to the top.



Lack Of Strategic Direction

The saying ‘fail to plan, plan to fail’ exists for a reason. Failure to research and produce a comprehensive business strategy on how to meet the needs of your customers, will result in a business that will continue to fail in producing sales. Having a complete lack of direction will be automatically noticeable, weakening the engagement with your target audience, thus making your business completely futile. Know your customer, know your business.



No Real Investment

To make money, you have to spend money. Unfortunately, successful businesses don’t just make themselves. Investment is key when building your eCommerce business, and although possible to open an online store for a few hundred pounds, creating a fully-functional and attractive site will require a significant amount of labour and capital.



Poor Website Design

It’s no mistake to assume an attractive website will bring in customers, but its functionality is equally as important. It’s imperative to arm yourself with a website that not only appeals to your customers visually, but also has smooth usability. It must be adaptable to mobile devices, be secure and load quickly. Being uncomplicated and easy to navigate also means a happy customer, and a happy customer means more sales for your business.



No Product & Store Reviews

Displaying product and store reviews enhances your store’s credibility, enabling your store to be the first choice on Google shopping. Click here for more information on how product and store reviews can improve your eCommerce business.



Low Trust

Another important way to build your customer’s trust is by protecting them. Using an SSL (secure socket layer) will encrypt the information exchanged between your customers and your site. On the Bigcommerce pro-plan and above, they enable site-wide SSL, which helps build trust and improve your Google ranking. The look and feel of your site also helps reassure visitors that your site is credible. Clearly displayed privacy policies and customer service contact information is key.



Misunderstanding Marketing & SEO

Many new eCommerce businesses feel that social media is the cornerstone to bringing in customers. Then they are confused as to why their business hasn’t taken any payments, minus a few members of their own social group. While social media does play a huge part in interacting with shoppers, there are lots of other things that can be done behind the scenes that only an experienced marketing agency could do. SEO is a huge example for bringing visitors to your store, and being ranked in Google. The online shopping world is a highly competitive environment, and shoppers are becoming savvier at finding the right store to buy from; a marketing agency could make sure they choose you.



Payment Gateway Issues

Just as people come in all shapes and sizes, so does their money. Failing to offer a wide range of payment options will immediately disregard a huge number of your buying population who only shop via PayPal, Apple or Android Pay, to name a few. Making sure you also communicate with your customers post-transaction will also emphasise the authenticity of your site, and a greater probability of them purchasing with you again.



Right Product, Right Price

Whatever your product, it’s imperative the price reflects the current market. Failing to adjust prices accordingly will result in your products coming across as either too cheap, or too expensive. It’s also important not to disregard product quality. An online store should emulate a real-world shopping experience as much as possible, which means being able to display your product in a way that the customer can imagine its physicality. Quality images and product descriptions are a necessity.

Has your business committed any of these eCommerce fails? Did you recover?

If you’d like any more information, or want some support setting up your eCommerce business, talk to one of the team get in touch with us here.





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