
Senior Web Developer

Connect with Samuel

What I Do

Samuel started his career in software and web development before leaving college, where his first job was as a frontend developer. From this job, he developed a passion for CSS and Javascript, getting a real buzz from seeing his creations come to life on the screen. Since starting his career, Samuel has worked across different industries including the car and train industry where he developed useful apps and products, while broadening his knowledge within new frontend technologies such as React and Angular and extending his skill set into backend technologies.

A Little More.

What made you apply for a job at 58?

At the time, I was not even looking for a new opportunity, however when the specification for 58 appeared in my inbox, it piqued my curiosity. I had experienced some eCommerce companies however seeing that 58 was looking at hiring people with React and Ionic made me start to wonder how they could be used in eCommerce sites, especially knowing how both those frameworks work. They had revealed a gap in my knowledge that I was all too eager to fill.

Where do you see yourself career-wise in 5 years time?

In 5 years time, I would like to be in a position of Software Management or Lead Developer. This would be a big step into my career goal of becoming a Head/Director of IT Innovation or Head/Director of Development.

Who or what inspires you?

My main inspiration comes from my wife, and more recently my family. My wife supports my endeavours and encourages me with my crazy ideas. She pushes me to come up with new ways to look at things and that nothing is impossible, that things just take a lot of time, thought and patience. With our first baby on the way, it has also inspired me to want to become someone my child can look up to and be proud of - my biggest hope is that they get the same drive and passion about something that I do.

Tell us a bit about your pets (if you have any).

We have one pet, our little Jack Russel/Yorkshire Terrier mix named Elbie. He is 4 years old and definitely has small dog syndrome and barks at everything but we would not change a single thing about him. He is playful, energetic, bounces around everywhere and loves a cuddle. He also does not seem to mind it when we dress him in fun outfits, which is lucky as my wife decided she wants matching Christmas outfits for each of us this year.

Tell us a bit about yourself/family/hobbies.

My family currently consists of my wife and our dog with an extra addition to the family scheduled to arrive in July next year. As for myself, I am a very passionate individual who strives to continuously better myself and experience things, even going to university to study as I feel that I missed out on that opportunity when I was younger. For hobbies, I am an avid gamer and do enjoy settling down into the evening playing various games with friends such as CS:GO or Dota, or even just playing alone with a (hopefully) good story driven game.

“A true selfless act always sparks another.”


Working at 58

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