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Sustainability in the Workplace

30 August, 2022

Sustainability in the workplace will make your brand more credible and improve your companies carbon footprint.

Sustainability in the Workplace

What is the status of sustainability in your company?


Sustainability in the workplace is essential if you are looking to improve your company’s carbon footprint. You can help the environment whilst improving the values of your business at the same time. By making some small adjustments, your employees will see how sustainability is an integral part of your company’s culture. 


How can workplaces incorporate sustainability


Employers can contribute to becoming more environmentally-friendly by incorporating certain criteria into their work environments. Here are some ways in which they can help:


Go Green!


  • Scrap paper in the workplace and go online instead. File, organise documents, and track everything digitally.
  • Use public transport – Many companies, including ourselves, encourage employees to travel to work via bikes, trains and buses to reduce their carbon footprint and promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Consider renewable energy in the office such as solar panels or eco-friendly bulbs.


WFH & Flexibility


Has your organisation incorporated remote work into their work policy? 


Many companies have included a work from home policy, since nearly every workplace saw the benefits during lockdown. Additionally, flexible working conditions are provided so employees can maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Set achievable and measurable sustainability targets


You can manage your sustainability goals and attributions by having a set plan and long-term tactics. To become more sustainable within the next 6 months is a much more realistic goal than making the changes within the next 6 days. 


Other examples of setting achievements would be ensuring electronics are off when not used and encouraging use of public transport to work.


Why incorporating sustainability is important



Educating your employees about the impact certain attributions have on the environment and society is the most effective way to determine your company’s environmental and social responsibility.


Did you know? 1 in 4 employees would search for a new job if their employer had a poor history with environmental issues.(According to smartway-external link) which just goes to show how important environmental morals are when it comes to finding new employees.


Implementing change can be a walk in the park, but encouraging your employees to act upon these eco-friendly practices and communicate corporate initiatives is a completely different ball game!



Culture is the heart of any business, which is why it is essential to build a sturdy foundation around the values that are most significant to the employees of your company. At 5874, we ensure that our employees are heard and feel comfortable expressing their opinions, particularly on how to improve our sustainability. Positive changes suggested by employees boost employee morale and productivity.


There are many benefits to promoting a sustainable workplace, including improving employee health, reducing environmental impact, recycling, reducing waste, and creating a more friendly and productive environment.


Focusing on sustainability will not only attract potential employees to your company but will also make your brand more credible. It’s safe to say that establishing eco-conscious practices within the workplace is not an easy task. However it’s important to mention that achieving these goals takes time, effort, and consistency which will be beneficial for your brand in the future.