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Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Share Your Old Content

Reposting old content isn't as bad as you think. In fact it can boost your marketing content strategy! Hear what our content marketing team have to say.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Share Your Old Content

There seems to be a stigma attached to sharing your old content online, when in fact, if the content is still relevant and provides information, or can help promote your products/services, there is nothing wrong with re-sharing across social.

Our timelines on social media are constantly full of brands and companies sharing their content, so it’s often easy for a post to be missed, or for something that wasn’t relevant to an individual before, to be relevant now. In that case, why wouldn’t you take the opportunity to re-share the content you worked hard on producing?

How To Repurpose Your Old Content

The other option is to give your content a new purpose, finding a way to distribute it again to avoid your website being penalised by Google. Use Google Analytics to find your most popular content and give it a refresh that will increase even more traffic, potential sales and engagement.


Update with new facts/products – Make the content more relevant to current events or the latest news. Chances are, things have changed since the first time you posted, so there will be something new you can say on that topic.

Bounce to a new topic – Use your old content and build on it to form a new topic. Ask a different question or pose a unique solution. If you’re an eCommerce business, find a new purpose or event that you could refer to for your products.

Repurpose into a new format –  Infographics, videos and animations are just a few ways that you can take your content and turn it into something new.

Don’t just copy – Duplicating your content can lead to some trouble from Google, so avoid the copy and paste!


Re-sharing your old content is a useful marketing strategy that will increase traffic and engagement on your site. Using Facebook Ads and retargeting visitors to your site to relevant content is a tool that all businesses should be using. It will not only make your life easier in the long run, but will also generate more traffic and help with SEO.

If you would like more information on content creation, or are seeking marketing guidance , contact us here!