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A Seat at the Table: The Obstacles, Motivation and Skills for Women in Leadership

The first in a series of virtual events by The Women’s Domain looking into detail at the role and future of women in ecommerce.

The Obstacles, Motivation and Skills for Women in Leadership

Free Webcast

What does the path to leadership look like?

The first in a series of virtual events by The Women’s Domain looking into detail at the role and future of women in ecommerce.

This event is an open discussion between 5874 Commerce’s Sara Russell and BigCommerce’s SR. Manager of Agency Partnerships (Americas), Lauryn Spence. Both women have had incredible journeys climbing the ladder of success and they will sit down for this live discussion to address topics such as:

  • What makes a great leader?
  • Getting past the ‘white boys club’ in the board room
  • Technical vs commercial roles and having difficult conversations
  • The impact of motherhood on your career


Download the webcast now – you won’t regret it.