
Senior Project Manager

Connect with Clifford

What I Do

With over 10 years experience at a number of Midlands agencies, working across a range of sectors, Clifford joins the 5874 team as a Project Manager. Clifford is a strong communicator who with his ability to solve problems and view the bigger picture, enjoys driving projects through to completion.


A Little More.

What made you apply for a job with 5874?

This role was the next logical step in my career. I wanted to experience working with larger digital projects and surround myself with intelligent people to help me develop.

What's your favourite thing about working here?

58’ has a happy and inclusive atmosphere. Everyone is helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.

In your role, what do you most enjoy and what area do you feel you excel in?

I love working in team based environments, where knowledge is shared and ideas are formulated. I also have the ability to take complicated information and deliver it in a way that’s clear for people to understand.

Where do you see yourself career-wise in 5 years?

With time, I’d like to see through projects which are more complex. With that said, my current focus remains on those in front of me.

Who or what inspires you?

I have met lots of talented people throughout my career to date. Those that have inspired me are the ones who take the time to impart their knowledge. Something that I also try to do where I am able.

Tell us a bit about your pets (if you have any!)

I have a very naughty Fox Terrier named Roxy. She’s the apple of my eye!

Tell us a little bit about yourself / family / hobbies

I am a passionate hobbyist photographer. Drop me in any city with my camera and enough money in my pocket for a coffee and I’m happy.

Keep it simple, stupid.


Working at 58

We believe in long-term partnerships built on trust and honesty. From this mutual understanding we’ll drive purposeful change, delivering experiences that allow your business to flourish.

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